Blog Angels Reveal

I was so pleased to take place in this month’s blog angel program. What is blog angel, you may ask? Well, over the past two weeks, I have been secretly stalking Tiffanie, over at Life With The Little Man. Today is the big scheduled reveal of who I am!
I have really enjoyed getting to know Tiffanie a bit, and her post about going to the pumpkin patch was my very favorite.
I started by following Tiffanie in all forms, GFC, facebook, twitter, etc (all secretly and sneaky-like.) Over the course of the next two weeks, she and I will touch base with each other, and I will help her out as much as she would like. I know right now she has a give-away going on as well to celebrate her 25th birthday! Happy Birthday, Tiffanie! (Check out that give-away here)
Let me tell you, her family is beyond adorbs. Seriously, you should go say hi. 🙂
Now that the secret is out of the bag- let the fun begin!


Checking server.

I’m Calling In…

I wanted to post this on my door today.

Last night at appx. 3am, my daughter woke up and started screaming. As I was holding her and trying to get her to go back to sleep, I felt a wave. Not a good wave. A sickness wave. I put her down on the floor while yelling for Eli and running towards the bathroom. And that’s where it all started.

Intermittently throwing up, I woke up on the bathroom floor 4 hours later. I crawled back to bed (where I found a baby snuggled up next to her daddy. If I wasn’t convinced that I may die at that moment, I may have stopped to admire the sweet sight) and when I woke up again to Vivien laughing and “honking” my nose, I realized, I wasn’t allowed a sick day. 

Eli had already gone to work, and I had to suck it up. So, between throwing up 17 a few more times, and begging Vivien to take a nap with me in the bed at one point (she did- two hours long too! That-a-girl!), I, by no mean, deserve a Mom-of-the-year award today. She may, or may not, have spent a lot of today in her pack and play crying entertaining herself. But I did the best I could.

And really, isn’t that what being a Mom is all about? Doing the best you can given the circumstance. 

PS: Tomorrow, my blog will be going through some technical type things, so I may or may not be able to post my week in pictures. But I am SO EXCITED to announce that I am ditching and switching over to become a self-hosted site. That means a few things: rafflecopter, link-ups, and passionfruit/blogHER ads, oh my! 🙂 


Weight Loss: Week Two

All In My Twenties

Well, if you follow along, you will know that I have been nursing a hurt knee. Peeps, let me tell you, I endured 4 days of active pitocin-induced labor. I didn’t have an epidural until day 3 (then had a c-section.) I am not a wuss. 

But my swollen knee that hurts to put weight on it is scary to me. I’ve never had knee problems. Ever. So in the meantime, since I haven’t been able to work out as much as I want to, I’ve been doing sets of floor/ab work. (Crunches, twists, “bench pressing” the baby…etc.)

And I’ve been icing my knee. Lots. Thus far (1 week in) I have lost 2 lbs.

Have you ever had to deal with an injury that kept you from working out? How did you work around your limitations?

Picture Post: Wordless Wednesday

Because this picture is just too cute to not share. 🙂

Happy Wednesday!